Thursday, March 10, 2016

You Rose to the Challenge

by Angie Cardinal

Town voting day in Farmington has passed and it's time to congratulate each other on a job well done. I challenged the people of Farmington to increase voter turn-out by 10% compared to last year. Do you know what we did? 714 of us voted improving the turn-out by 35%. You rose to the challenge and are over-acheivers!

Congratulations to the Paraprofessionals on Warrant Article #4 passing, approving the cost items in the new agreement. Congratulations to all those elected or re-elected on Tuesday, as well.

Congratulations to the Farmington Police Department and Fire Department employees on moving forward with the Safety Building. This is going to be an exciting change for all of us to look forward to.

Overall, I look forward to our leaders in town (school included) working together in all efforts to better Farmington. We are all hoping to see new business, improved infrastructure, smart decisions and real improvements in our future. Would you like to get involved? I recommend you just show up at a meeting and observe the proceedings. Once you get comfortable with the topics, ask questions and find out how you can help. Vacancies on any of the committees, commissions & boards pop up all the time:

  • Budget Committee
  • Capital Improvement Committee
  • Conservation Commission
  • Economic Development Committee
  • Planning Board
  • Trustees of the Trust Funds
  • Zoning Board of Adjustment

During this past Monday's Farmington School Board meeting, the board voted in favor of posting all non-public meeting minutes once the board approves each set, the same way the public meeting minutes are posted. Kudos to them for this change because this is a clear step toward improved transparency. The next school board meeting is planned for Monday, March 21 in the Farmington High School Library starting at 6:30 PM.

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