Page Disclaimer Note: These posts contain opinions of one individual, not that of the governing body on which the individual serves. The purpose of this page is to fill members of the public in on the different options available when wanting to make change in their community. Residents and employees armed with more information on what is happening at their schools and important upcoming meetings and votes can better their community.
by Angie Cardinal
The financial work required at the end of a school year is immense. Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable invoices need to be processed with the proper school year assignments. Summer employment contracts need to be in place before programs begin, along with associated payroll transactions lined up on time. Each grant with its own requirements and timelines has to have its books in order. A preliminary audit needs to be conducted in order to prepare Department of Revenue documentation on time.
Preparing for a new school year entails employment contract preparation and review, along with associated payroll transactions. Supply orders will be in full analysis. Custodial preparation and special projects are meticulously planned while students are off on summer break. Proactive safety assessments and classroom assignments are considered during this time. New student enrollment will be an ongoing activity up until the first day of school. The 2017-18 school year begins Tuesday, August 29th for grades K-9. The full school calendar is available.