Page Disclaimer Note: These posts contain opinions of one individual, not that of the governing body on which the individual serves. The purpose of this page is to fill members of the public in on the different options available when wanting to make change in their community. Residents and employees armed with more information on what is happening at their schools and important upcoming meetings and votes can better their community.
by Angie Cardinal
All three Farmington Schools have been awarded grants by NH Department of Educations's Robotics Education Fund under ED1410! What an amazing opportunity for Farmington students. Thank you to all the staff and supporters who helped to obtain this grant on behalf of our students and our community!
March 31, 2018 update:
The FHS Robotics team is in its inaugural season and this weekend they're competing at the New England District of the FIRST Robotics Competition at the Whittemore Center Arena at UNH. Such a cool event that's free to attend and fun for all ages. Their last qualifying matches are at 9:58 a.m. & 10:47 a.m. today. Good luck Tigers!